Friday 26 September 2014

Promotions, promotions, promotions!

One of the best ways to get customers into your store is definitely via promotions. Promotions immediately grab the attention of the customer and make them feel like they are getting something that they won't get anywhere else. 

Practically, promotions are great for quickly shifting stock or highlighting new seasonal products. Showcasing an average item with the right signage, positioning and arrangement can quickly boost the perception of it to a desirable item, resulting in fast sales and quick stock movement. 

To effectively display these promotions, you need to place them at particular points in your store, where they will grab the most attention. Shelving4Shops offers a selection of end bays that are ideal for promotions and fast selling lines. Our end bays are also perfect for hiding the end of a run of gondola, giving the aisle a clean and professional look to your store. As with all our shelving units, an end bay is versatile and adjustable, with removable shelves which can be replaced by peg boards if needed. This means that end bays can be used to promote any product, simply by adjusting the shelving or peg board to accommodate any display.

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